This week Jason Phillips, son of sculptor Rik Phillips, presented me with a wonderful work of art. Jason is an artist of the writen word. After showing Jason my self published art books and explaining to him that I try hard not to write anything in them because I usually spell something wrong or just sound stupid, Jason offered to trade my talents for his. The following is the result.
So, Kandinsky, Picasso and Jawlensky walk into a bar... Once they finished their third round of Absinth, they pontificate the future of their craft; Their aesthetic - What they imagine, is Shawn Savage. Vibrant. Engaging. Energetic. Allusive. Haunting. Geometric shapes come to life and take personality behind a blurred mind-scape, like mysterious amoebas, or cells reproducing deep inside the creative, unexplored mind. Flora that has never previously existed, flourish in the plush garden of a deep imagination and gaze back at you while you fantasize the forest they may grow in. Characters beg you to study them and figure out what may be going on in those giant heads of theirs. Those heads that may contain giant minds - that may think too much - while they expose their simple souls through the giant window of their eyes - that suggest they may see too much. but, either way, their countenance hints no conclusion. That particular piece of business, Shawn asks of the beholder. The work of Shawn Savage arrests the viewer to question not only what may be going on within the brush strokes, on whatever surface that brings you the indelible image you look upon, but also what may be going on inside the recesses of the artist's mind - and - in no small fashion, makes you question what may be going on in yours. Writen by: Jason Phillips Thanks Jason.
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authorSavage, is a Palm Springs, CA, artist, designer, gallery owner, archives
December 2014
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